Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
In the field of sports, and in other "arenas" there is a fair amount of time spent by social media (and others) talking about the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) whether it be an individual or a team of people. Rarely (if ever) is a consensus reached that brings an end ot the discussion. I hope in the area of "Spirituality" all Christians who take their faith seriously would agree that Jesus Christ is the GOAT and we are blessed to have him instruct us every time we hear from Him in one of the Gospels. He does indeed teach us and show us how to connect with God and grow in our union with him, and rejoice in his love, mercy and peace. We are blessed when we also make the time and make the tim to grow in our union with God (and the fuits that come from it) by connecting in various ways to "spiritual directors" of the past and present. We are blessed when we read or hear them speak about this subject and when they help us find God more clearly in our lives as he is always present for us to encounter.

A spiritual director assists someone in discerning the presence and movement of God in their day-to-day life. A spiritual director must be a person of prayer who is continally seeking the Lord in their life through reading and reflection on the scripture, encounters with other spiritual directors (or at least the one who directs them) and by being a good listener to God and others. We are blessed to have in our parish two lay persons, Deb Troxel and Cherry Schwulst who are licensed spiritual directors who have been formed and instructed in formal settins in the ministry of spiritual direction. While Deb has been offering spiritul direction to out parishioners for a while, Cherry, while recently completing the requirements that are necessary to be a spiritual director, has, as part of her formation, already been engaging in spiritual direction for some people to hone her skills at listening and guiding a person more and more to the Lord. Since they are "professionals" in this important ministry, a fee is usually charged by them that is talked about and agreed upon at the start of the spiritual direction sessions (which I believe normally go on for about an hour). There is always the freedom to discontinue the sessions at any time with no questions asked as to why. There are options given as to where these sessions will take place, including private and quiet places here at Sacred Heart Parish facilities.

If you want to learn more about spiritual direction and/or seek to grow in your spiritual life by welcoming the assistance of one of these ladies, please call Deb at 515-314-6955 or Cherry at 309-831-7230 anytime. 

It is such a blessing to have many capable people in so many areas of ministry and I date say this is potentially one of the most important for those who open their faith lives to it.
When I used to visit my mom (mostly in the evenings) we would watch either sports of the Game Show Network, and often a podcast that covered the news of the day. During the day my mom watched plenty of EWTN for its prayer offerings and interesting religious shows. I now find myself wishing that we had gotten on her computer to watch some of the MANY offerings that come from the St Augustine Institute on It has many offerings from movies for adults and children to topical showings that seek to help anyone to grow in and with the Lord. Before I remind you how to open the website and many possibilities that are good and wholesome for all of us, let me indicate what the Augustine Institute currently offers. There are two movies about St Padre Pio that show how God is working in wonderful and even miraculous ways through special faith-filled people who lived in that time. There is a new series put out by the leaders of the Nationsl Eucharistic Revival titled "Jesus and the Eucharist" which will be offered for group reflection here during the upcoming Lenten Season, and will bless us in our efforts to grow in appreciation of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the blessins that flow from it. There is a much shorter sesries entitled "God Is With Us, Presence" that talks about the Euchrist and its effects that is only 30 minutes per episode. Perhaps when November, the month of All Saints and All Souls Day arrives, you might want to watch a series of videos titled "Eternal Rest, The ARt of Dying Well," that helps us ponder something that will affect all of our lives as we face the reality of departure from this world. With the feasts of the ARchangels (September 29) and Guardian Angels (October 2) happening, you might start watching a four video series (from 18-25 minutes long each) titled "Angels and Saints" and ponder the theology and devotion connected with angels (and saitns). I am impressed by the timeliness of the offering found on FORMED that coincide witht he Church seasons and feasts on the liturgical calendar. Unlike most of the video media, you leave its offering informed, instructed, encouraged, hope-filled and/or entertained all in the name of our faith in Jesus Christ. Please give it a try! Go to and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, call me (501-209-2502) as I am eager gor everyone to benefit from what is offered.
This week I'm giving over my pastor's column to Deacon Gary as he explains an exciting new initiative for men of the parish. (Ladies please read this so you can encourage your husband to give it a try. It will be a blessing to them and, indirectly, to you.)

Saint John Henry Newman selected as his motto, the phrase Cor ad cor loquitur, Heart speaks to heart. That's an awesome motto, because it encompasses the best of communication. The heart of Jesus speaks to His people, His followers, and then the hearts of HIs followers, speak to each other and those that don't know Him. It's all encompassing.  It captures everybody.

I believe that's why it was selected as the motto for a new initiative in Men's Ministry. The Heart of Jesus will speak to the men gathered together to share their lives as they seek to know HIm better, to get a better picture of what Jesus is teaching his followers.  And these men will share their hearts with each other in discussion of the topic selected.  The topic is not set in stone. It doesn't come down to us from some place on high.  We have four men, at present, who have bolunteered to moderate a group at different times during the week: Wednesday morning, Thursday morning and Thursday evening, and Friday morning. The topics are Bible Study, Church History, Eucharist, 4th Quarter, etc., etc.

Should the group gathered togeter decide they would like to delve into a specific topic, away they will go on it.  Has all of this been done before?  Of course.  As Ecclesiates reminds us, there is nothing new under the sun.  But the time in which we are living tells us that past efforts weren't enough. We must renew our efforts to tell each other and the world (our families, friends) the Good News.  We have been commanded to "go forth and spread the gospel".  How are we doing?

As I mentioned above, there is a new initiative in men's ministry, COR. Obviously taken from St Newman's motto.  It is a call to men to get together on a regular basis to pray, study, and get to know each other at a deeper level.  Each man will do all these at the level they choose, but our hope is that "group dynamics" will come into play and all will participate to the max.  That's how the initiative will succeed.  COR meetings are designed to help men build a more intentional relationship with Jesus Christ, through prayer, formation and fraternity.

Straight from Jesus: Hey you, yeah you, COME, FOLLOW ME and GO TELL THE GOOD NEWS.