Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
You may or may not be aware that Bishop Joseph Strickland, now formerly the bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas was relieved of his pastoral care and administration of the people of that diocese by Pope Francis effective on Saturday, November 11.  While this is sad for Bishop Strickland, who I personally know through our time together in seminary formation at Holy Trinity Seminary in Irving, Texas, I am bothered by some in the media who are characterizing this as a "liberal" pope (Pope Francis) coming down hard on a conservative bishop who has, over a roughly 5 year period been openly critical of some of the words, actions and priorities of Pope Francis.

I think it is helpful and certainly informative to share with you, that Bishop Strickland was appointed Bishop of the Tyler, Texas Diocese by the late Pope Benedict XVI in September of 2012, about 6 months before Pope Francis was elected Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. While I don't know what the rite says when a bishop is ordained for that role in the Church, I suspect he promises respect and obedience ot the Church's teachings and to the Pope who appointed him and his successors.  A case can certainly be made that Bishop Strickland was not always true to the first part of that promise (respect) through various public statements he made on social media.  Besides this, Pope Francis sent two bishops of the United States in June to the Diocese of Tyer to evaluate Bishops Strickland's governance of his diocese in the almost 11 years since he started being the chief shepherd there. Their conclusions were presented to Pope Francis and one has to believe that that might have been one important reason that he was relieved of his ministry as bishop there.

Pope Francis has certainly shown himself over his 10 year papcy and before as a humble, compassionate and merciful person, and, as such, I believe that he did not make a hasty or vindictive judgement about Bishop Strickland based solely on the bishop's critical words about the pope and those who counsel him at the Vatican and through other places and people.  So many, if not most, of the people who are speaking out negatively toward what the pope has done with regard to Bishop Strickland are those who have been critical of the pope for some or all of his papacy and do not (as all of us don't) have the whole story of what all went into the pope's decision.  I think it can be said that all of the bishops of the United States who are meeting together in Baltimore in the last few days have various opinions of some of the words and actions of our pope.  I trust they are firstly and mostly focused on the pastoral administration of their diocese and striving to dialogue together and with the pope to keep the Church true to its mission that has been passed down through the centuries with Jesus Christ as the Supreme Shepherd and Savior of the world.

Let us all pray for unity in all things that make us blessed to be a part of such a large flock of believers!
I have to be honest that I compose this pastor's column without my "cheat sheet". Now before you think badly of what Ijust said, let me change my terminology to "information sheet" which is what I normally see before telling you about our VIP each month. In the case of our VIP this month, Elsa Naeger, I feel capable of informing you about her from my many experiences with her over the years, as well as what I am aware of that she has done that makes her a good choice as VIP. 9Very Important Parishioner) for Sacred Heart Parish.

I start with something personal as Elsa has had me (and a few times in the past my mother) over for dinner and nice conversation. She did this when her dear husband of over 50 years, Leo, was still with us in this world and in times since he has gone to be with the Lord. I have always appreciated her good cooking and the relaxed atmosphere of our visits. I have always appreciated her "mom like" demeanor around me. I have also been impressed over the years by Elsa's commitment to keep herself healthy and active. She is an avid and good swimmer who gets in many laps in the Coronado pool each week. Her fitness is obvious in that she seems to alwys be "on the go" (which sounds like someone else you know.) She is a mainstay at many of our parish's social events and excels with her good friend and fellow parisioner, Francisco Gutierrez on the dance floor.

Of course, she has distinguished herself in the area of ministry as a faithful sacristan, Eucharistic Adorer, and an active member of LOSH. and her guild. She recently volunteered to head up our 10th anniversary of Eucharistic Adoration Dinner which is coming up soon and has shown herself to be an organized person whose pleasant disposition leads epople to say "yes" to helping her with this important endeavor. Since she is often a "behind the scenes" disciple of the Lord, I feel confident to say that I am probably leaving out more than a few activities and ministries in which she is a help to others. Still I can truly say in reference to her, that we need more "Elsa Naeger's" in this world to show others how many blessings come to and through people who seek to have the Lord as the center of their lives. God bless you, Elsa!
Have you ever had a time when you were going to do something you knew was what God wanted for you, but just didn't have your heart in it? A couple of weeks ago, that is what happened to me when I was taking Holy Communion to the Catholic patients at St Vincent's Hospital in Hot Springs. I was tired, sad and anxious that what I was doing in my lfe and for the Eucharistic Revival was not enough. I felt that I was not enough. I got my list, pyx, name tag and akey to get Jesus' body from the tabernacle in the chapel and made my way to the first room. It happened to be on the labor & delivery floor. I knocked on the door and was invited to enter. God did what God always does when I least expect it. I showed up with an open, yet discouraged heart andhad an encounter with Jesus. Her husband was raised Protestant, but they both decided they wanted to be part of the Catholic faith and are currently in the RCIA program at their parish. Their heart are burning with the love of Jesus. Their love for each, their child and Jesus was palpable. The Eucharistic Revival is just like this. It is about an encounter with Jesus, often when we least expect it; in the Sacrament of Reconciliation through the priest and in the Mass through the Word, the Holy Euchrist and each other. It is about healing and transformation so we can be the hands and feet of Jesus. For me, it was being reminded through the encounter with this young couple and our conversation, that I AM enough. God, through Jesus, receives us just as we are and uses what we bring in each situation so we and/or others may experience and encounter with Jesus Christ. I left the room that day uplifted and inspired by the conviction and faith of this young couple. I realized the feelings I had prior to my visit were not from God, but from evil one. Jesus knew I needed to be fed, and I was. The Eucharistic Revival and my involvement as parish point person has widely opened my heart. I invite you to "Come and See" what Jesus can do with what you bring. May this Eucharistic Revival be a time of healing, renewal and transformation for you ant the lives of those you touch every day.