Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
In the world of professional sports it has been said over and over again that when a player who is known as an active and successful player on a previous team or teams joins a new team, even before they begin playing on a new team, his or her PRESENCE makes a positive impact on the team. I believe such can also be the case when people come into a parish with an active past in previous parishies. They can come to a new parish and their presence can, early on, make an impact that is felt by a few or many. Such is the case in people who have moved into this wonderful parish and certainly Deacon Gary Christoff and his wife, Doris (who moved here in December 2021). They made an almost immediate impact on me, and in a short time, others, by bringing their love for the Lord and His people to Sacred Heart Church from their previous experiences in Jefferson City, Missouri. When they started coming to daily Mass and revealed to me that Gary is a "senior" deacon from that diocese, both he and his wife of (almost 60 years) got involved beyond being a regular part of the 9:00 a.m. daily Mass community here and offering themselves as Eucharistic Ministers at that Mass. While indicating that he, in his "senior" status, did not want to resume serving as a deacon on the altar and preaching, he was open to doing other forms of mnistry that needed him. He too over the bereavement support ministry that provides a range of help immediately and ongoing to those in our  parish who have lost loved ones. He agreed to take turns with Deacon BJ in providing a monthly prayer service a Samaritan Ministries in Hot Springs before other members of our parish serve a meal to the homeless men who reside there. He and Doris became Eucharistic Adorers, with Deacon Gary taking on one of the latenight hours and Doris an evening adorer and now a co-division leader of the evening adoration hours. Gary became and is an active member of our Knights of Columbus and the Men's Club and Doris is active in LOSH and serves as co-captain of St Monica's Guild. Doris has been and still is an active participant in one of our physical fitness groups and recently, Gary has joined her. (I hope other men and women will give this a try in the new year) Doris has gotten involved through her guild in tutoring at Mt Pine School. I hope you realize by now that the Christoffs, though members of our parish for a short time, have been chosen our VIPs (Very Important Parishioners) for the month of January. They are almost a daily presence here and have already made an impact on parishioners and people outside of the parish as well. They have endeared themselves to our parishioners and me and I know that will continue in the future. Thank the Lord and then them for who thay are in our parish family!
Though the media once again has misinterpreted, distorted an/or confused people (especially Catholics) when "reporting" on the latest Declaration from the Vatican, Fiducia Supplicans (On The Pastoral Meaning of Blessings), we in the Catholic Church should always get the most accurate information and interpretation of Church documents and declarations from the Vatican AND from our bishops who are each charged to pastorally implement what is promulgated in their respective dioceses.

Some of the bishops of Africa, where homosexuality is a crime, have put out pastoral statements such as the one from Cameroon which reiterates their disapproval of homosexual unions and go on to say "Consequently, we formally forbid all blessings of homosexual couples in the Church of Cameroon".

On December 27, the Cardinal (Victor Manuel Fernandez) who is the prefect of the Discastery for the Doctrine of the Faith says it is up to each local bishop through discernment to implement this Declaration in their diocese when it come to the propriety or impropriety of giving blessings to individuals who are living in irregular unions. Bishop Taylor, in his statement issued on December 19, reminded us in Arkansas of the differing pastoral concerns and approaches throughout the worldwide Church.

One thing that should be clear TO all bishops, priests and laypeople and FROM our bishops to the lairy is that "Fiducia Supplicans" reaffirms the Traditional teaching of the Church that marriage is to be defined and ritualized ONLY between a man and woman.

I hope that Bishop Taylor will continue to instruct our clergy as to the proper setting and language that couples and individuals who ask for a blessing, and the proper discernment that should take place before blessings are given. I will always ask people what they are asking a blessing for, before I pray for them. When necessary, I make it clear what is being blessed and/or what is not being blessed so as to avoid any confusion before the prayer is prayed. I can only hope that my brotheeer priests and deacons will do something similar as we must one day stand before the judgement seat of God as to waht we have done with the faculties and privileges we have been blessed with through our ordination.
It is a new year and new opportunities to do things we have done before (but maybe not for a while) and try new things that can bless our lives beyond what we can imagine. Since we are in the second year of the Eucharistic Revival in our country, I have two possibilities for all of us to consider.

Firstly, the book we gave out as a Christmas present, "Beautiful Eucharist", (thanks to Becky Jordan in memory of her dear husband, Mickey) is a "must read" for all of us as it contains short stories and reflections of people who have grown in their love and appreciation for the miraculous gift of Jesus, body and blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist we consume and adore. I would encourage all of our Eucharistic Adorers to use part or all of your hour in the coming weeks reading and reflecting on a story or two in the booklet, then look at the Lord (hopefully for an extended time) and thank Him for being so present to us in the Eucharist. Of course, it would be good to find a quiet place at home or in  nature to read a chapter or two and reflect and pray about it. As we get renewed in our Eucharistic faith, hopefully we will be willling to share this book with someone who is no longer practicing their Catholic Faith or has grown lukewarm in their appreciation of the Eucharist. Hopefully, they will be drawn back to Jesus in the Eucharist and benefit from any reflections and insights we have had after reading this book that we share with them.

Secondly, we will be blessed to offer and join in with Catholics throughout the Unitted States in a sturdy and refelction on the Eucharist that is video-based and allows time for small group sharing. This will take place just before and during the Lenten Season, at a time when we are challenged to "put more on our plate" (not food) for our growth in the Lord in preparation for Easter and the Easter Season! Please be ready to sign up over the next two weekends on the day and time that works for you (on Mondays or Wednesdays for seven total sessions). Right now we are planning food and fellowship during those gatherings. I hope and pray this will be a "family affair" in those families who have more than one person in their household! I truly believe that those who participate in the ways I've described above in the first few months of the calendar year, will be blessed and will be a blessing for others for the rest of 2024 (and beyond)! One of my hopes is that it will lead to more participants in weekday Masses, more Eucharistic Adorers, and even more participation in the life and mnistries that we have here at Sacred Heart Parish.