Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
He was an isolationist.  This is a statement that I can't imagine any person of enlightened Christian faith saying about Jesus Christ.  His ministry reached far and wide and when he was tempted by his disciples and others to stay in one place, he said that they must move on to preach the Word to others.  Jesus taught against an isolationist mentality among his disciples when he told parables such as The Good Samaritan and when he encountered the Samaritan woman at the well.  Jesus was all about building bridges of understanding, love, acceptance, mercy and peace among all people and bringing people together, rather than keep them apart.

Our Pope, Francis, has echoed Jesus throughout his papacy in words and by his example of humility and love for all, especially the vulnerable and the poor.  He has spoken against any and all who would propose to build walls between peoples and has urged all followers of Jesus Christ to have a welcoming disposition to people of good will.  Our bishop, Anthony Taylor, has also echoed Pope Francis and Catholic Social Teaching in statements, and teachings he has promulgated as bishop of Arkansas on the issue of immigration.  In his pastoral letter on the human rights of immigrants, he makes it clear that the Church does NOT promote illegal immigration.  Rather, the Church promotes all efforts to remove the causes of illegal immigration.  It promotes and supports all efforts to revise our immigration process and procedures so as to be just and fair for people who want to immigrate to our country.

As Catholics, we are called to live daily by the principles, ways and teachings of Jesus Christ and lead others to do so in all areas of public and private life.

I must say, I found it troubling when a parishioner shared with me an e-mail that is being promulgated and passed on that protrays Jesus saying something that he certainly did not say.  I would hope and pray that ayone who receives such an e-mail would reply back to the sender that it is blasphemous to use any depiction of Jesus to say, NOT what Jesus said, but another person or persons beliefs or opinion.  Let us all strive to truly hear and take to heart all that Jesus said and did and have an openness toward others that reflects the mind and heart of Jesus at all times.
I must admit that I waited to the end of my reflections on the four commissions that comprise our parish ministries and activities to speak about Parish Life because I knew it would be the hardest for me to do, since it involves so many opportunities to grow in fellowship and relationship with our brothers and sisters in the Lord here at Sacred Heart Church.  Someof them also include opportunities to grow in witness to Jesus Christ through acts of service to others. The Knights of Columbus gives Catholic gentlemen the chance to come together and be in union with Knights all over the United States and world in fellowship and charitable actions and projects which help many people in need.  Call Tom Donnelly at 915-0880 for further information.  The Ladies of the Sacred Heart also meet for fellowship and to do charitable projects that benefit people of all ages who have various needs that can't be met on their own.  Please call Mary Lou George at 922-0065.  Last, but certainly not least among our large groups, is the Men's Club which meets monthly for prayer and fellowship and who also get involved in a few charitable endeavors like the Chicken and Fish Bakes (the latter of which is coming up on March 3).  I must sadly report that our Singles Group, which is open to anyone who is not married due to choice, or death of a spouse, is without leadership and is therefore not very active right now.  I am certainly open to a person or persons stepping forward for this role.  Please call me at 209-2502 and we'll talk about it.  Parish Life also offers fun gatherings like Spades and other card games every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall.  Come even if you don't know how to play Spades, and I'll personbally instruct you.  Our Church Bowling League has a Fall and Winter season, and possibly a shorter Summer Season if there's enough interest.  Call Ann Bowman at 922-6619 for more information.  Finally, we have a Hand and Foot card-playing group that meets and plays in parishioners' homes in a scheduled fashion.  Call Cathy Bertrand at 204-9088 if you want to join in the fun and fellowship.  Our Parish Life Commission also sponsors various receptions during the year including the upcoming Marriage Anniversary Celebration on February 21 and our Holy Thursday Dinner on April 13.  Cathy Silk at 908-938-5545 and Joan Prockup at 915-8422 are always looking for people to help with some of these activities.  It's a good way to meet new people and "enjoy" time spent helping to set-up, clean-up or serve at a parish activity.  We have much to offer here at Sacred Heart, but we are alway open to more ideas on activities that can bring our parishioners and others together.  Call me, Cathy or Joan, with any ideas you might have.  Before I forget, we also have a group of people (mostly couples) who meet, greet and welcome new members through our Welcoming Committee.  Call Marna Morissette at 915-1821 if you are interested in this ministry to newcomers.  I ask you to please get involved in SOMETHING that our parish offers.
When many of us hear of Catholic religious education, we think immediately of religious education for youth, which most of us participated in through Catholic schools or religious education programs at our parish church.  While most of Catholic education classes for children and teenagers through their high school years, the fact is that many Catholic parishes are still woefully lacking in regular and various ADULT religious education offerings.  Thankfully, I can say that we are not among those parishes, as we offer adult religious education offerings at least twice a year.

In the encouragement for you to participate in our latest offering, "Conversion:  Following the Call of Christ"  by Bishop Barron that is in our bulletin, it speaks of conversion as a "life-long process" that turns our attention and energy toward an ever-deepening relationship with Christ.  I am very proud of our Education Commission for continually coming up with adult religious education offerings for us, and putting them together with material and facilitators to make it happen. We just need more of you to join us, even if only once a year.  Our parish is educating our youth on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening under the leadership of Rose Harrigan and the time, talent and faith of our catechists.  (We are, in fact, in need of one or two more catechists for our elementary students, so please call Rose at 915-0314 if you are interested).  In addition to what I've already mentioned, we are always ready to educate and inform people who are currently not Catholic in the Catholic ways and to prepare them to receive the sacraments of initiation.  While, sadly, we don't have anyone in formation now, we can get anyone started right away.  Please call me or have any interested person call me at 209-2502.  Please remember that we have a well-stocked library with reading materials, as well as DVDs, that can be checked out at any time.

Finally, we are blessed to educate and help our bereaved adults through our bereavement ministry.  Whether it is through readings, material and/or group sessions, Deacon John seeks to assist those who have lost loved ones, wtih knowledge and skills that are helpful during and after the grieving process.

I am happy and proud that we offer so much to so many through our Education Commssion.  Please let me know if you have any ideas of things we are not doing or offering - that we might be able to provide in the future.