Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Prayers Needed?

We all need a prayer warrior in times of crisis – a critical or dangerous situation that needs serious attention – including emergencies, surgery, imminent death or the loss of a loved one.  Our Parish Prayer Warriors are ready to help.

Some ninety prayer warriors in our Sacred Heart Parish are prepared to offer daily intercessory prayers to God for you and your loved ones at these and other critical times. 

All you need do is call Marvin Young 915-8028; Mary Costello 922-3915;  Jim Goodson 204-2494; Lucy Young 915-8028; Chris Stein 226-5105 to get these intercessory prayers started.  They will continue for 30 days, unless cancelled by you, and may be continued by request.

And you too can become a member of our Parish Prayer Warriors by calling Marvin, Mary, Jim, Lucy or Chris.  Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God.....Mother Teresa