Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
There is much to reflect upon as we begin "Respect Life" month.  Given that this is an election year, with a new President of the United States being elected in a little over a month, it is good for us to ponder and consider where all candidates stand when it comes to Life Issues.  Sadly I say that it is indeed difficult to find candidates who are consistently "Pro Life" from conception to natural death.  I hope you have taken time to read the inserts in the bulletin the past two weekends as it gives us much of our Catholic teaching and tradition to consider and use, not only during election time, but throughout the year and throughout our life.  I hope you take the time to read our bulletin inserts this week, "Caring for Loved Ones at Life's End."  It speaks on a subject that is of practical value for many in our parish, especially those who are married and who still face the reality that in most every case, one spouse is going to get sick and die before the other one does.  Some skills and practical suggestions on what to do during the last days, and maybe months, before someone dies, will be offered in this pamphlet.  If you are not ready to read it now, PLEASE at least save it somewhere to read in the future.

As I always do, I want to invite all of you to literally stand or sit as a witness to our belief that Life is a precious gift from God from the moment of conception to natural death, and needs to be cared for and protected by individuals and our government, from harm and/or from death.  I encourage you to participate in the one-hour "Life Chain" in downtown Hot Springs THIS Sunday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.  I know for many, giving public witness to our faith by standing or sitting along the sidewalk holding a sign and praying for that hour, is not an easy thing to do.  I applaud vigorously those "few" who are there faithfully every year.  They have not been deterred from coming by the low numbers of people in the past who have joined them.  PLEASE add to our numbers this year.  You will be blessed and be a blessing in ways you may not immediately see, but trust me, God sees and is VERY pleased with those who attend.