Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Those who are still in school know that each year they will be in a classroom with students who are at their level of education background.  It would be odd to put fifth graders in with third graders, or third graders with fifth graders.  This should also be the case with people who are in the process of becoming  a Catholic.

Since everyone who comes to us has a different faith background and have had various experiences of the Catholic faith, it makes little sense to put everyone in the same setting for formation in the ways and beliefs of the Catholic faith. We want to help anyone who shows an interest in the Catholic faith to move in that direction with the grace of God and our assistance.

Please contact Deacon Larry (922-3283) or Deacon John (226-5506) to get more information.  The structure and timetable for formation will vary, so we need to find out who is interested and where each person is in their faith lives right now.