Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
After one of the Masses during Memorial weekend, I was told that some people spoke with an usher about there not being any patriotic songs at Mass.  Others commented that they have not heard any Marian songs during the month of May at any of the Sunday Masses.  The reason for that has to do with the fact that all of the Sunday Masses throughout the year are focused on The Lord and aspects of His saving mission to the world.  The songs of Mass are supposed to reflect this.

We celebrated a beautiful Mass on Monday, Memorial Day, which included prayers for our servicemen and women, living and deceased.  After Mass, we prayed the patriotic rosary which included the singing of five patriotic songs. Given the positive response to this rosary, we will discuss offering one of these patriotic rosaries at least once a month.

Songs focused on Mary are appropriate on Marian feasts and on many Saturday weekday Masses (like our First Saturday Masses) that can be offered in honor of the Blessed Mother.  I hope you can join us in the future for these weekday Masses and prayer opportunities.