Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Sacred Heart parishioners processing into church with their lighted candles.
On February 2nd, parishioners from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church gathered at church to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, sometime referred to as Candlemas because of the tradition of blessing candles at this Mass.  This celebration is to commemorate the presentation of the infant child Jesus in the temple of Jerusalem 40 days following His birth in accordance with Jewish law.  This event is described in the Gospel of Luke.  At this celebration candles are blessed for parishioners to take for use in their homes.  A lighted candle procession into the church precedes the Mass to acknowledge that Jesus is the light of the world.  Father Bill Elser presided at the Mass that followed the procession.

2010_Sept_Treasue_Sale_25The possibility of having the Treasure Sale this year, and in future years, depends on a couple of things.  Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer and John Bodensteiner have agreed to run the sale this year if they can get some people to work with them who will take over the running of the sale for the next couple of years.  If you would like to find out what is involved, please contact Deacon Larry at 922-3283.  The start of the organization needs to be scheduled in February in order to be sure that we have the hall scheduled for the sale and for the days of collection.
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lens1847939_1232289791baby-faceForty Days for Life begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22.  Our parish will cover praying in from of the Abortion Mill in Little Rock on Wednesday, February 28, from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Next week a sign-up sheet will be available for those who are able to go to the clinic on our appointed afternoon.  Anyone is welcome to stop and praqy for 15 minutes or longer, anytime, during these 40 days.  Please call Rosemary at 501-781-6108 with any questions.
92080-Royalty-Free-RF-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Black-Number-6-Outlined-In-Green-With-Colorful-Flowers-And-ButterfliesDo you like to meet people?  It is time to sign-up to meet new and old friends for a pleasant evening of food and camaraderie.  Sacred Heart Sociable Six is the organization for you to join.  We meet three times, taking turns hosting.  A brunch or simple meal is all that a host/hostess needs to plan.  We will be starting the Spring Social Six in February. Call Jan Winters at 922-0526, or e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign-up or get more information on this friendly social event.  Your group listings and any other pertinent information will be sent to you in early February.

Sacred Heart parishioner board the bus to Little Rock to participate in the March for Life.
On Sunday, January 22, 2012, parishioners from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church took a bus ride to Little Rock to participate in the annual March for Life.  The march is held annually on or near the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.  A national march and rally takes place in Washington, D.C. on January 23rd.  Catholics from around the state joined together in Little Rock to celebrate life at a Noon Mass on Sunday officiated by Bishop Anthony Taylor at the Robinson Center.  Following the mass, those attending joined hundreds of additional Pro-Life Arkansans from all over our state in the march from Capital and Louisiana streets to the State Capital where several speakers addressed the crowd including U.S. Representative Tim Griffin.  Sacred Heart has participated in the march for several years to give witness to the need to “Choose Life” and “End Abortion Now”.

RCIAlA nine-week program designed for individuals who have been baptized in another faith tradition and now desire to learn more about the Catholic faith and hopefully come into full communion with the Church, will begin on Thursday, February 2.  The sessions will run for nine consecutive Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  If you know of anyone who might be interested, ask them to call Deacon Froning or Deacon Lipsmeyer.

Fr. Bill Elser demonstrating that he can use his smart phone to down load the app for Liturgy of the Hours devotions.
Sacred Heart Men’s Club held their monthly meeting on January 10th.  There were over 85 members in attendance to participate in the prayer service, dinner and meeting.  The featured speaker following dinner was Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  Father Bill began his talk by asking those present when is the best time to pray.  After hearing a variety of answers, Fr. Bill heard the answer he looking for – anytime!  Building on this he talked about the many reasons to pray which can be summarized into four main categories namely petition, praise, thanksgiving and penitential.

Under Father Bill’s direction, Sacred Heart has initiated a few new prayer activities recently.  The first is the reciting of the Patriotic Rosary.  Once a month at mass the Patriotic Rosary is recited as a prayer for our country, our leaders and those who have sacrificed for our liberty.  It is usually done coinciding with an appropriate national day of recognition such as Veterans Day or Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

The second prayer activity recently initiated is to pray the morning prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours prior to the start of mass on Monday through Friday.  The Liturgy of the Hours is a common prayer started in the days of the very early Christian church.  The prayer grew out of the Jewish tradition of praying at specific times of the day and from Jesus’s teaching, as recorded in the bible, for all to pray at all times.  Ordained priests and religious of the Catholic Church are obliged to daily pray the morning and evening prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours.  In this way the Church offers a common prayer to Christ and with Christ to sanctify the entire day.  The Liturgy of the Hours prayer is built around scripture and includes readings from the old and new testaments, the psalms, songs of praise and specific prayers.  The Liturgy can be done in a group with a leader, such as a priest or a deacon, or privately by an individual.  There are books available to help facilitate those wishing to do the Liturgy as well as an app that can be downloaded to your smart phone, which Fr. Bill then demonstrated.

Father Bill concluded his remarks by calling on the men of the Sacred Heart Men’s Club to become “prayer warriors”.

2012_Singles_groupOn Monday, January 9, approximately 45members of the Sacred Heart Singles gathered for their monthly meeting in the hall at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. There was a delicious potluck dinner followed by a variety of games. After the games, Father Bill treated the group to his homemade ice cream. Everyone enjoyed the fun, good food and fellowship.

(Pictured) Father Bill (third from left), Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, joined the Sacred Heart Singles for their January meeting. 

2011_Christmas_BasketsSacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church provides food baskets to needy families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.  The program is funded by donations by various organizations within Sacred Heart Church as well as gifts by individual parishioners.  This year the Sacred Heart Men’s Club was pleased to be able to donate $1,200 to the Christmas Basket Program as part of the club’s yearend donations.

(Pictured) Bill Patterson, President of Sacred Heart Men's Club, presents a check for $1,200 to Ed Keearns, Director of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Christmas Basket program. 

Jan Logan, Executive Director Samaritan Ministries, accepts a $1,000 donation at the ministres' Hot Springs facility from Danny Murphy, Seretary; Bill Patterson, President and Dick Hill, Men's Club member and volunteer at Samaritan Ministries.
The Men’s Club of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church delivers its donations to local charities each year in December.  This year Bill Patterson, club President, and Danny Murphy, club Secretary, delivered the donations to various charities from the money that was raised during the year’s fund raising activities.  Some of those receiving donations this year included St. Johns school in Hot Springs, the Paul Bewie Boys and Girls Club, the Meals on Wheels program at the McCauley Center and the Samarian Ministries in Hot Springs.  In addition to this financial support, many of these organizations also receive the support of members of the Sacred Heart Men’s Club during the year.  For example, the club delivers the Meals on Wheels during the month of February.  In December the club donated over $6,000 to local organizations.

A donation of $1000 was presented by Danny Murphy to Amanda Maness, Site Director at McCauley Center in Hot Springs Village, designated for their Meals On Wheels Program.
The Sacred Heart Men’s Club meets monthly at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church and membership is open to all men of the Sacred Heart parish.

Dick Breckon addresses the December meeting of the Sacred Heart Men’s Club.
On December 13, Dick Breckon spoke at the monthly meeting of the Sacred Heart Men’s Club.  Dick is a member of the POA Governmental Affairs Committee.  He outlined for the members in attendance the role of the committee in dealing with various city, county, state and federal agencies.  The committee focuses very heavily on the two Quorum Courts that have jurisdiction within the Village.  There are many issues within the community such as water, roads, disaster relief and the environment that the Government Affairs Committee must coordinate for the benefit of the Village.  Dick provided an interesting overview of the many activities of the committee.

The Sacred Heart Men’s Club meets monthly at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  Membership is open to all men that are members of Sacred Heart Church.

Danny Murphy (l), club Secretary, and Bill Patterson (r), club President, present the club’s December Jackson House donation to Janie Smith, Executive Director of Jackson House.
The Sacred Heart Men’s Club is an active supporter of the Eleanor Klugh Jackson House for Crisis Intervention in Hot Springs.  In addition to financial support through donations that are funded by various fund raising activities, the club members assist in serving lunches, work in the Thrift House and conduct a weekly food collection at Sacred Heart Church to help keep the Jackson House pantry full.  This year the club was able to make a $1,000 donation in December as part of the club’s yearend charity donations.  The money will go to both the Sunday Love Lunch Mission ($150) and to Jackson House general expenses.  The Sacred Heart Men’s Club meets monthly at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Hot Springs Village and its membership is open to all men of Sacred Heart Church.

Fr. Bill Elser (seated left) joins the Sacred Heart Singles at their Christmas Party.
On Tuesday, December 6th, 40 members of the Sacred Heart Singles joined Fr. Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart, at Diamante Country Club for their annual Christmas party.  A buffet luncheon was served.  It was followed by some fun entertainment supplied by Joyce and Chuck Allen doing their 50's-60's skit.

The Sacred Heart Singles meets monthly and is open to anyone single that attends Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  Ann Hooper and Eileen Boecher are the group coordinators.
w-welcomSacred Heart of Jesus will offer a four-week series entitled "Catholics Returning Home" beginning December 1, 2011. The sessions are for non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church.  If you know someone who has left the Church, please invite them to join us.  For more information, call Ed or Pat Cudworth, 915-9122.
churchSome of  you may have noticed that after heavy rains there are some leaks appearing on the side aisles.  We have determined that these leaks are from spots under the red metal roofing-not the flat portion of the roof, which has been recently replaced.  We will attempt to make repairs first.  If the repairs don't work, we will have to rework the entire metal roof.

We are in the process of obtaining two bids from experienced contractors to make the repairs on the red metal roof.  The metal roof is 20 years old and has held up well until now.  The cost of this work could be a significant expense, which will be covered by our Contingency Fund held at the Diocese.  We will let you know when we have the bids and decide on the proper course of action.  This situation is an example of why we continue to have our monthly Building Fund/Maintenance collections.

Bob Kostelecky and Dave Witchger, Finance and Administration Council
eyeglassesThe Hot Springs Village Evening Lions collects unneeded eye glasses for those less fortunate.  There is a collection box on the table in the A & E hallway.  Please help by donating eye glasses that you can no longer use.