Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
spadesThe weekly cards and games gathering in the Lower Hall on Wednesdays has been changed (yet again) to 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  Hopefully, this time will stay the same and more of you will choose to join us for Spades, other card games, or other games like Mexican Train dominoes.  We take turns providing a dessert treat, so come for the fellowship and fun. Come and join in the fun. See you tomorrow afternoon!
2012HS_RallyThe Sacred Heart of Jesus High School Youth Group, Caroline Eisenhauer, Camille Eisenhauer, Jonathan Semmler and Jacob Vasquez-Berg, chaperoned by Alia Berg, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catechist, attended the Stand Up Youth Rally sponsored by the Diocese of Little Rock on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at Christ the King Catholic Church in Little Rock. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Youth Group interacted with guest speaker Steve Angrisano, director of Young Adult Ministries in York, PA and one of the most popular and effective Catholic youth evangelists.  Thank you to Caroline Eisenhauer, Linda Good and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Knights of Columbus for organizing and supporting the High School Youth Group.  The High School Youth meet every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart.  Click here to view more pictures in the photo gallery.
LOSH Members who modeled Lagniappe Boutique fashions: Back row l-r, Toni Phillips, Pat Becker, Darlene Barta, Vinnie Calvey. Front row l-r, Mary Duffy, Phyllis Melenson, Elsa Naeger, Dotti Asten.
On Monday, October 15th, the church hall at Sacred Heart was transformed with glitz and glamour into a fashionista’s delight. This year’s annual fund raiser, a combination of luncheon and fashion show, was attended by over 200 members and their guests.

Home Plate catered a very tasty chicken/spinach salad with pecans and mandarin oranges and raspberry vinaigrette dressing which was served by the “guys in bow ties”, members of Sacred Heart’s Men’s Club and the Knights of Columbus local council. The ladies were expertly pampered by these waiters, as well as by more “guys” who acted as bartenders serving mimosas or a selection of wines to satisfy the ladies’ tastes.

Fashions by Hot Springs Lagniappe Boutique, presented by owner Marcia Dobbs-Smith, proved that elegance and fun could be merged in fashionable clothing for all sizes, shapes and occasions. Models for the fashion show were all members of the Ladies of Sacred Heart. They graced the stage and then circulated among the tables so all attendees could get a close up look at the lovely clothing and jewelry they modeled.

The fashion show was interspersed with awards of door prizes, donated through the generosity of local businesses, and ended with the results of the raffle and winners of the silent auction bids. The beautiful raffle prizes and auction items were all the artful creations of very talented SHJ parishioners.

Fashion show chairwomen Nancy Froning and Joyce Field, with a whole lot of help from their committee members, can be proud of their highly enjoyable and very successful event.

Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer gives blessing over pets.
On Sunday, October 7, a small gathering of parishioners and pets received the blessing of the animals at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer officiated at the annual blessing ceremony tied to the feast of the patron saint of animals, St. Francis of Assisi.

Attending on this cool Sunday afternoon were quite an assortment of God’s canine creation.  Elegant poodles pranced, and laughing terriers danced.  Some felt the urge to “sing” God’s praises, some just barked out several well-timed “amens”, and some just sat stoically and contemplated the holy occasion in silence.

While Deacon Larry read the scripture and prayers, tails wagged, itches were scratched, and much sniffing ensued.  And when it was time for the sprinkling of the holy water, some of these well-loved companions tried to hide from the holy “rain drops”, others frolicked in this very pleasant diversion, and a few just sat and worried whether this sprinkling of water might mean a bath would soon follow.

Fifteen minutes later all pets followed their owners back to their cars for the trip back home.  They moved proudly and joyfully next to their human caretakers, trusting in them and happy just to be in their company.  The dogs had all been blessed, but each of the owners knew they too were blessed just to have one of God’s most wonderful creatures as their own special furry friend and companion.  Click here for more photos.

2012-09-26_Treasure_SaleThe 2012 Treasure Sale was very successful with $16,595 raised in support of Catholic education at Our Lady of Fatima in Benton and St. John's in Hot Springs.  Quite remarkably, the 2012 amount compares to $15,817 in 2010 and $16,668 in 2008.  Thanks to all the parishioners who donated items and volunteered their time.  A special thanks to those who have been working since May collecting, pricing, transporting and storing items.  Co-chairs John Bodensteiner and Chris Gleason wish to recognize and than the other committee members for their tireless efforts: Mike Frantz, Kathy Geske, Mary Ann Honzik, Claudia and Ed Keearns, Gerald and Ann Krawczynski, Larry Lipsmeyer, JoAnn and Terry O'Brien, Dave Witchger, Tom Yerina and Marvin Young.  Click here to view more pictures in the photo gallery.
councilYou are invited to nominate a parishioner for election to one of the following commissions: Education, Parish Life, Liturgy or Social Justice.  Nominations open September 22 and close October 7, 2012.  The term of office is two years. One would attend six commission meetings, and as the commission liaison, attend six pastoral Council meetings held on alternate months during the year.  Workshops and Virtus training will be provided.  The first year one would learn "how-to" and then oversee activities.  Nominating forms and the ballot box are in the narthex.  If you have questions, please call members of the Nominating Committee:  Don Ritter at 224-659-5001, Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 or Mickey Townsend at 922-0705.
Forty_Days_for_LifeForty Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful, pro-life campaign that has proven effective.  From September 26 through November 4, our community is joining with believers in hundreds of other cities for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.

You are invited to stand and pray peacefully in the public right-of-way outside the Family Planning Clinic in Little Rock. Our parish has adopted Wednesday, October 3, from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Sign-up sheets will be available in the narthex. If you have never prayed and witnessed in public before, please consider participating.  We will arrange for you to ride with other prayer warriors.  There will also be opportunities for private prayer and fasting, both at home and with fellow parishioners here at church.  Join this worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies, which has also led to the conversion of abortion workers and the closing of abortion facilities.  Call Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 for information.
register-voteWe pray that everyone who can do so, will exercise their right and responsibility to vote in the November election.  We are planning a voter registration drive at our church toward the end of the month.  You can easily check to see if you are currently registered to vote by logging on to or by calling 501-303-5630 (Saline County) or 501-622-3610 (Garland County).
2012_SHJ_IIIOn Wednesday the 19th of September our third Columbarium, Sacred Heart of Jesus III, was delivered and placed on its foundation in our Cemetery and Memorial Garden.  This now gives us a total of 240 double size niches for inurnment of the cremated remains of deceased church members and their immediate families.  Our first inurnment was on All Souls Day 2005.  We are accomplishing what was our first goal; that was to have a special place on church grounds for our cemetery.

You can tell from the pictures, click here to view more photos in photo gallery, that this is not an easy thing to do.  Each Columbarium weighs 28,000 pounds.  A tremendous amount of planning and timing goes into this process to make it work.  It takes a huge crane, two large trucks, cement labor and a lot of effort from our committee and volunteers to help get this done. Special thanks to all of those that came out to help with this huge project.  The sidewalks, lights, benches and plants have to be completed before we can start selling niches in Sacred Heart of Jesus III.  If you have any questions, please call Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer at 922-3283 or Buddy Dixon at 922-2811.  Thanks to all for their help and support in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery.
church_library_1We have a fine selection of books featured in our library on St. Padre Pio.  You will want to read about his amazing life.  Come into our library and browse among the many selections of books, DVD's, audio and video tapes for adults and children.  Can't find the library?  Just enter the chapel, make a quick left and go through the door marked "Conference Room/Library".  You are always welcome.
magnificat-year-faith-companion-1033712This year our parish will provide each family with two books of daily reflections: the "Year of Faith", published by Magnificat, and for Lent, "Little Black Book" as published by Little Books.  These books can be purchased for your family members and friends not living in the parish.  Order forms are in the A & E Hallway.  Please place your order by Tuesday, September 25, 2012.
SACRED_HEART_CHURCH_FITNESS__THURS_FLYERSacred Heart of Jesus invites you to join us for fun with "Church Fitness" a program consisting of lite cardio/tuning with pilates/yoga stretches on Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. in the Lower Hall.  Classes will begin on September 4 and continue through October 30 (excluding September 27).  The class is taught by Alia Berg, a licensed certified fitness instructor. The cost of the program is by donation per class.  Call Alia at 209-2133 for more information.
Sudan_ChurchFr. Herald Brock sent a picture of the completed roof on St. Peter Claver Church in Lowoi, Diocese of Torit, South Sudan.  The roof was completed in June with the help of financial assistance from the parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  Fr. Brock is affiliated with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. This group has been supporting the people of South Sudan and plan on continued assistance in the future.  Click here for more photos in photo gallery.
IMG_3826Sacred Heart of Jesus has been invited by the Village Bible Church to join with them in sponsoring the Crosses for Life Memorial.  This is a statewide outreach project of the Benton County Right to Life, and has been displayed in various locations throughout the state of Arkansas since January 2000.  There are 4,000 white crosses displayed that represent the 4,000 pre-born children who die daily in the United States as a result of induced abortion.  The purpose of the display is to memoralize those children and increase public awareness of the magnitude of what has been called by some, "The American Holocaust".

The crosses will be displayed on the property of both churches, from Monday, August 20 through September 22. The Crosses for Life Memorial is available to pro-life organizations throughout the state, and the project is funded by individual donations.
IMG_3824_1024x768The new Recycling Trailer has replaced the old Recycling Bin in our parish parking lot.  This trailer is also used by the parish Disaster Response Team for pick-up and removal of debris after destructive storms.  While it is not in use for disaster purposes, it serves as our means for collecting aluminum beverage cans.  Parishioners can continue to bring their aluminum cans, tied in plastic bags, and deposit them into the trailer.  The Ladies of the Sacred Heart arranges for the transport of the accumulated cans to recyclers in Hot Springs on a timely basis.  The money collected for the cans is donated at the end of the year to nearby organizations assisting women and children in poverty.  Please remember that the recycle trailer is only for aluminum cans.  Thank you for your continued support of this fundraising activity by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart.
handandfootParish Hand & Foot members invite all parishioners to meet each month for a fun evening of cards.  Hand & Foot is a great game that only takes a few minutes to learn.  Transmit an e-mail to Ed Harrigan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 915-0314 for more information.  Current members are asked to transmit their e-mail addresses to enhance communication.  We play September through May.  Send $8 per couple; $4 per single, $5 per substitute couple, and $2.50 for single substitute to SHHFC, Ed Harrigan, 320 Maderas Drive, 71909, before August 15.  Please include your e-mail address.