Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
What a blessing it is to be in a parish where parish council members make themselves available on the second Sunday of the month (at all the weekend Masses) to listen to questions, comments, suggestions and concerns that you, our parishioners, have about any area of ministry that happens here in this parish.  This input is then brought to the parish council meetings for discussion.  A Council member then speaks back to the person who gave the input with the result of the Council's discussions.  This back and forth communication is helpful and hopefully fruitful for all those involved in this interchange and for the parish.  I would ask that anyone who communicates with me through the mail will give me the opportunity to communicate back with you, by signing your name to the letter you send to me.  I want to respond and dialogue with anyone who shares with me their thoughts and feelings about anything I have said or done. Thanks for giving me this consideration and know that anything we talk about will be held in strict confidence.
As we look ahead to the Fall (and hopefully cooler weather, sooner rather than later), we look forward to welcoming people into one of our adult religious education offerings that prepare people to become Catholic or return to the faith. This will happen, hopefully, with the cooperation and support of the entire parish.

We are in special need of people to step forward as sponsors, catechists (teachers). and hospitality.  If you think you might be interested in helping out in these, or in other ways, please contact Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer at 922-3283 or Deacon John Froning at 226-5506.  If you have any names of people who are interested in the Catholic faith for the first time, or as returning Catholics, please call these deacons and give them their names. 
As I reflect on our recent effort to be in unity of posture and action during the Communion rite, I see a number of blessings flowing from this effort.  Firstly, we are an example to those who visit from other parishes who have not sought this unity.  Secondly, I see a great deal of divine power flowing to, and from, those who have received The Eucharist, as we all speak to The Lord in a time of quiet after everyone has received Communion.  Finally, our posture of standing throughout the Communion rite is, practically, an easier posture to sustain over a period of time, than kneeling (at least for some of us in the congregation).  I pray that we will all take time to reflect on and accept these and other blessings from The Lord during this most important time of Mass.