Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, will be welcoming visitors to an Open House on October 9th
Fall is the time of year that we all associate with football, beautiful colors and apples. Fall is also the time when the Catholic Church initiates its RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).  Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church will be launching its RCIA program in early October.  In the past there has been one program for everyone, beginning in October and ending at Easter.  This year that will change as Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart church, recognizes that "one size fits all" does not work here.

RCIA is a journey, not just a series of classes.  It is a time for those exploring the Catholic faith to take a walk with Jesus to learn His message of love, and allowing that message to change ones heart.  However, everyone who comes to explore the Catholic faith has a different faith background and some even have varying experiences with the Catholic Church.  It simply doesn't make sense for everyone to be in the same setting as they discern God's call in their life.  As a result and to accommodate various needs, programs will be offered to facilitate the unique needs of those wishing to explore the way and faith of the Catholic Church and the community of believers at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church.

The Sacred Heart RCIA program is open to anyone wishing to explore the Catholic faith for the first time and also to those who may have "fallen away" from the church and wish to explore what the church is today.  For more information and to learn if this program fits your unique situation please call either Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer (501-922-3283) or Deacon John Froning (501-226-5506).

An Open House will be held at the church on Sunday, October 9, at 2:00 p.m.  A tour of the church will be given and questions will be answered about all aspects of the faith community at Sacred Heart.  Refreshments (including some of Pastor Father Bill's famous ice cream) will be offered.