Sacred Heart Launches Lenten Wednesday Celebration
As part of its celebration of Lent, Sacred Heart Parish has added a special Wednesday evening program.  On all the Wednesday evenings during Lent, starting at 5 PM, soup and sandwiches will be served in the church halls.  Parishioners are asked to sign up in advance so the appropriate amount of food can be delivered.  After the lite supper, a 45 minute video presentation from the Michael Cumbie Micah Project series is shown on the large screen.  Through a series of six dynamic and often humorous lectures, Mike Cumbie talks about why the church in America is relevant today, sacramental theology and liturgical worship.  The presentation is then followed by Mass in the church.  The kick-off for the weekly series was on Ash Wednesday and the church halls were overflowing.  The food, which is being catered by Home Plate, was excellent and the presentation was almost spellbinding.  With such a great kick-off, the program is certain to be an outstanding success.