Have you ever had a time when you were going to do something you knew was what God wanted for you, but just didn't have your heart in it? A couple of weeks ago, that is what happened to me when I was taking Holy Communion to the Catholic patients at St Vincent's Hospital in Hot Springs. I was tired, sad and anxious that what I was doing in my lfe and for the Eucharistic Revival was not enough. I felt that I was not enough. I got my list, pyx, name tag and akey to get Jesus' body from the tabernacle in the chapel and made my way to the first room. It happened to be on the labor & delivery floor. I knocked on the door and was invited to enter. God did what God always does when I least expect it. I showed up with an open, yet discouraged heart andhad an encounter with Jesus. Her husband was raised Protestant, but they both decided they wanted to be part of the Catholic faith and are currently in the RCIA program at their parish. Their heart are burning with the love of Jesus. Their love for each, their child and Jesus was palpable. The Eucharistic Revival is just like this. It is about an encounter with Jesus, often when we least expect it; in the Sacrament of Reconciliation through the priest and in the Mass through the Word, the Holy Euchrist and each other. It is about healing and transformation so we can be the hands and feet of Jesus. For me, it was being reminded through the encounter with this young couple and our conversation, that I AM enough. God, through Jesus, receives us just as we are and uses what we bring in each situation so we and/or others may experience and encounter with Jesus Christ. I left the room that day uplifted and inspired by the conviction and faith of this young couple. I realized the feelings I had prior to my visit were not from God, but from evil one. Jesus knew I needed to be fed, and I was. The Eucharistic Revival and my involvement as parish point person has widely opened my heart. I invite you to "Come and See" what Jesus can do with what you bring. May this Eucharistic Revival be a time of healing, renewal and transformation for you ant the lives of those you touch every day.