The focus of the second year of the "National Eucharistic Revival" is on the parish where the Eucharistic Celebration (the Mass) is the first and most important activity and ministry that happens (in most cases) every day! While some people (especially agnostics and atheists) deny the reality of miracles, I hope that many Catholic (including all of you) would quickly assert or confirm the statement that a miracle occurs during EVERY Mass that is celebrated, as Jesus becomes miraculously and personally present to us through the power of the Holy Spirit as bread and wine, the gifts that come to us from the basics of God's creation (wheat and grapes) becomes the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ! It is truly the greatest of blessings of Jesus (after the gift of eternal life that He won for us through his passion, death and resurrection) that he offers to us throughout our sojourn in this life and, hopefully, before our soul departs from this world through "Viaticum", (food for our journey).

The Eucharisitc Revival is both an invitation and a challenge. I must admit I don't care much for the word "invitation" because it speaks to some people as an option to say yes or no to what is being presented. Our Baptismal commitment was a definite "yes" to God and to a lively and growing faith in Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Hopefully, throughout our life, we challenge ourselves to grow in union with Jesus and his "Body" the Church. Sometimes the challenge comes from outside of ourselves and our response to it should always echo the "yes" of our baptism. While we are blessed to have quite a few regulars at our daily Masses throughout the week, I have only seen a relatively small number who commit to at least one daily Mass during the week. I once again challenge all of you who are physically able, to participate i at least one daily Mass every week, recognizing that growth in the Lord will come from such a commitment.

With all the instability and immorality that happens in our world today, WE ALL NEED the stability and strength that comes from participating in the miracle of the Eucharist and spending at least an hour a week in the loving, mreciful, and peace-giving presence of Jesus in the Monstrance, the miracle that perpetuates itself (or really Himself) with us all the time!!!